
This is my website......?

About Me

I am a person. I am definitely not a slimy green alien that is trying to destroy the human race... Generally, in my free time I go outside, or play video games. I also enjoy coding and my favorite thing to do (that is productive) is to compose music with ableton. (Visit the music page to learn more)

When I am playing video games, I usually play starbound, Geometry Dash, Or Minecraft. Two of those games are mainstream and are therefore not popular amongst gamers. But to be honest, I don't care at all. I enjoy it. I play on steam most of the time, but sometimes I play on the interwebs. I enjoy memes, and I consider myself to have a pretty decent sense of humor.

I only play social video games, because I am lonely. (JK) I love to hang out with my friendos and have fun playing games on a screen, and also not on a screen.

I also like to eat food. Life without food is meaningless.

I coded this website using KidOYO. Kidoyo is a coding camp, and that is where I learned to code. YEAH!