Welcome to our team Website!

We are the strange meats.

Nothing to see here...

We have setteled on that name bacause it has no meaning what so ever. There is no way that you could find any scientific, philosophical, physical, mental, or lingual meaning or purpose to the name. Don't try. Our team members include Niko, Jack,Sam ,Robin ,Kyle , Tadhg, and Declen .

This website's soul purpose is to link to the websites of all of the people on our team. For some reason, we have decited to make that hard, so we incorapated a game. If you can find the website, you can see it. For the first site: Website One. This site belongs to Sam.

The second site is hidden somewhere on this site. here is the secret code: #ffffff. It will lead to Robin's site.

The third person is a slight bit harder. You need to find some hidden text, hidden in plain sight. I tell, when you find it, you will be suprised. And annoyed a little. It will lead to kyle's site.

The fourth link is a lot like the third one, but a little bit stranger. Can you find the correct strangness? It will lead to Jack's website.

The fifth site is not currently visible. You might want to drop. It will It will lead to Niko's site.

The sixth site is somewhere nere here. It will lead to Declyn's site. It is right here if you were wondering.

And for the seventh and final link.......
We ran out of ideas. Here you go. It will lead to Tadhg's site.

Well. Here you go.